Friday, April 28, 2017

Sooner, Rather Than Later

 Yes, I concede with the fact that #45 is our president, but I have chosen not to speak his name. I have aired my grievance about his acts during his first 100 days, and I have been told that he can only be impeached if he violates the constitution. This is untrue; impeachment is: the act of charging a government official with serious wrongdoing, which in some cases may lead to the removal of that official from office. Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, in 1999 faced impeachment when he lied about sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. His actions did not lead to impeachment, but he still had to answer for his actions or, “wrongdoing.” Impeachment does not mean that #45 would be removed from office, but it would start the process.

So, what has #45 done to be removed from office? Well, first issue that comes to mind is his conflicts of interest. Not only the possibility of him receiving money from Russia, which would violate the emoluments clause if found to be true, but his unethical spending of tax payers’ money at his own golf resort in Florida called Mar-a-Lago; so not only is he spending a lot of time golfing and spending a lot of tax payers’ money; he is profiting from the trips. The tax payers pay for him, his securities, and his visitor’s room and board, their meals, and the cost of travel. He is close to spending more in his first 100 days on golfing than Obama spent in his 8 year of service. He also, promoted his daughter, Ivanka Trump’s brand, and shamed Nordstrom for dropping her brand. When Kellyanne Conway plugged Ivanka’s brand she was reprimanded, the same should be done for #45. Ivanka’s brand’s profits increased after receiving this free publicity. He is recorded stating it is okay to sexually assault women, and that he has sexually assaulted women in the past. There are allegations of him sexually assaulting women and minors; of course, nothing can be done about the allegations unless these accusations like the accusations about his relations with the Russians are proven.  #45 attacks the first amendment and our democracy with his invention of alternative facts. If the media does not agree with what he says, he calls it fake news, and those that are uneducated and gullible believe that the free press is against them; when, in fact, it is #45 that is against them.

Thankfully both of #45’s travel bands, also known as the Muslim bands, have been denied. Now, it would be ideal, if we can get him out of office before he starts another world war. He is creating tension with our neighbors, Canada and Mexico, many other of our allies, and he is poking at the North Koreans. The faster he can be removed from office the better; so, let’s get the process started with impeachment. 


  1. In her latest blog post, "Sooner, Rather Than Later," my fellow classmate, Rain Guerrero-Lopez, comments on a few reasons why our current President of the United States should be impeached. In a respectful and strong argument, Rain states some very honest opinions and facts about what President Trump has dabbled in the past one-hundred days. I definitely can relate with Rain when she says, "The faster he can be removed from office the better; so, let’s get the process started with impeachment".

    I stumbled across an article recently that talked about ways that President Trump can be removed from office before 2020. Like Rain mentioned, impeachment should definitely be an option. According to the Constitution, an impeachment is voted on when "treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors" have been committed. A crime or misdemeanor can be almost anything, and there is little to no evidence required for the impeachment to occur.

    As much as myself and I am sure many others would feel much better if the current President was to be removed from office, it's almost an impossible feat. The House and Senate are both dominated by Republicans and those who favor Mr. Trump. They are not going to vote against him, or at least it would be highly unlikely. Now, if roles are reversed in 2018 when the next elections are held, there might be a change in who controls both the House and Senate, therefore making impeachment once again an option.

    I agree with Rain, the President has shown time and time again that he is not fit to run this country. With his seemingly eagerness to fight against other countries, whatever is behind this Russia scandal, and his overall irrationality...there is no logical reason that he has even remained in office as long as he has.

    While the facts are in front of us, and our nation continues in this downwards spiral, I just cannot see the President getting impeached while Republicans are still in control. I am definitely more conservative in my beliefs, however, that does not keep me from seeing the obvious wrong that is being done by the President right now. I honestly cannot say what is in store for the future of the United States, but I hope we can find a stronger leader than what we are stuck with right now.

  2. In Rain Guerrero-Lopez’s blog post on the necessity of Donald Trump’s impeachment, she lists several facts that strongly suggest moral wrong-doing on the part of our 45th president. She backs up her argument with definitions and proven facts. I agree with her opinion, and I greatly appreciated the organized and detailed nature of her argument.

    Rain listed several occasions of which Trump has behaved in ways that should result in his removal from office. From his improper behavior, to his extreme conflicts of interests, it has been made clear that he does not plan to improve the nation for our future children. However, since this article was posted, additional horrors have occurred in the presidential office. This past week has been horror after horror, but I personally feel as though Trump’s major crime has been the removal of the man in charge of investigating himself, in the middle of the investigation. This action demonstrates an extreme level of hypocrisy and denies our country the fair and true democracy that we deserve. The fact that he reasoned that he fired the head of the FBI by suggesting that he was defending his ‘good friend’ Hillary after she was treated unfairly is humorous and also ridiculous, and it highlights the childish nature of how he has been behaving. That statement clearly a lie, and when you add that to the insane twitter header that he recently added, shows a lack of clear thought processes going through the president’s mind. I believe that he is not only unfit for his job for the obvious legal reasons, but also because he is mentally incapable of performing his job as President of the United States.
