Beginning in the 17
th century, hemp was utilized
in rope, sails, and clothing. In 1861 the first
decorticator was
invented, and hemp was found to be a cheap and suitable substitute for paper
pulp. In the early 1900s Mexican
immigrants introduced recreational use of marijuana in America, and marijuana
became associated with Mexican immigrants. During the Great Depression people
were unemployed, and looked for someone to blame. Studies began on the effects
of marijuana, and it was said that it can cause violence, insanity, and other
crimes. That is when
Harry J. Anslinger decided to use the fear of crime and immigrants to pass the
Marihuana Tax Actof 1937.
This act is believed to have been created to reduce the size of the hemp
industry. In 1952 the
Boggs Act was created to set mandatory sentences for possession of marijuana, and
marijuana was categorized as a schedule 1 drug. Once a drug is categorized as a
schedule 1, it is believed to have no medicinal benefits, and it is difficult
for researchers to access.
Today we have 28 states and the District of Columbia that have legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal use, and 8 of those, as well as, the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. So, the politicians that govern this country can go to a dispensary, and legally smoke and possess marijuana, but people in the other 22 states can be ticketed, thrown in jail, or even sentenced to death or life in prison for the same act. The hypocrisy is laughable. In those 28 states the "Green Rush" is strong, and these states are profiting from marijuana sales. The local governments are benefiting from all of the taxes. This means more money for schools, parks, medicare, transportation, and other public services. Colorado hit over a billion in legal sale of marijuana, that is 200 million in tax dollars. Imagine what this would like on a national level.
There has never been a single death reported from withdraw from marijuana or from overdose of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and yet, legal opiate prescriptions are given out daily, and alcohol is consumed daily. Not only is marijuana a safer way to unwind from the day to day grind, but the medical benefits are plentiful. Marijuana is used by patients suffering from chronic pain without all of the side-effects that one gets from opiates, like constipation, addiction, liver and kidney damage, and withdraws. It is used to help reduce nausea, create an appetite in cancer patients undergoing chemo therapy, stops seizures, and help with tremors from parkinsons, and even someone suffering from anxiety could choose to stop taking pills, and utilize marijuana to ease their worries.
It is sad to know that a plant that has many medicinal and practical uses is illegal, because of the fear of Mexican immigrants. A connection with increased violence and crime has not been made directly to the cannabis plant. Crime is because it is illegal, and criminals want to capitalize on the sell of marijuana. When in fact this plant should and can be regulated for public consumption; thus causing a decline in criminal activity.