Friday, May 12, 2017

Climate Change is Real

In Hannah Simmons blog, “Blog Post 7: Why not taking immediate action towards clean energy is going to kill our planet,” Hannah presents a strong argument as to why we as a nation need to move away from fossil fuels, and go to renewable energy. She expresses concerns about #45 possible policy changes to the Clean Power Plan (CPP), and why these changes would be several steps in the wrong direction.

I completely agree with Hannah, and I have been very distraught worrying about what might happen after the review of the CPP. With #45 wanting less regulations on business, I was afraid that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was no longer going to exist, and that the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we use for nutrition was at risk. We are hurting our planet by utilizing fossil fuels, and several steps have been made to move towards renewable energy.  We are using solar panels, and some companies like Google, Walmart, and Apple are also using solar panels to power their business. The use of wind power is being explored more, and wind turbines are being installed, and there are many projects in placed to use desalinization to create more drinking water for the increased populations.

Luckily for us, #45’s administration recently admitted that climate change is real. It took them long enough to acknowledge the science that clearly shows that climate change is real, and the US singed the international declaration on climate change. Thank you, Rex Tillerson!